Research: Introduction

Sir Isaac Newton's theories and laws of Physics governed our thinking of the universe for a century until Dr. Albert Einstein redefined them. It's not that Sir Isaac Newton was wrong, but that his laws only held for speeds that were experimentally attainable in his day. This included speeds up to approximately 25% of the speed of light. However, as technology progressed, mankind became able to experiment at speeds up to that of the speed of light. Then it was discovered that for such speeds, there were variations in the experimental values and the values predicted by Newton's own equations. Albert Einstein was responsible for discovering the solution to these variations. Einstein discovered that there existed a direct exponential relationship between matter and energy. Also, his General Theory of Relativity states that the speed of light remains the same regardless of the relative motion of the observer. It also reasons that there is a special speed limit imposed on all objects with mass. This speed limit is the speed of light. The speed of light, as it propagates through a vacuum is: 

c = 2.99792458 x 108 meters per second

c = 6.70616629 x 108 miles per hour

c = 186,282.396944 miles per second

Not long after Einstein's discoveries, numerous individuals, including Einstien himself, made contributions to Quantum Theory. In essence, Relativity and Quantum Mechanics contradict each other. Why? I'll tell you. Imagine yourself flying toward a massive black hole. It's strength pulls you in, with no possibility of escape. As you fall, you speed up, ever gaining speed and even approaching the speed of light. As you approach this awesome speed, time begins to slow down for you, according to Einstein's general relativity. If time slows down, then your approach into the abysmal black hole seems to take longer. This gives you more time to achieve even greater speeds, eventually reaching the unattainable speed of light! But wait, at the speed of light, time stands still. So, have you reached the center of the black hole, or haven't you? And yet, according to quantum mechanics, while you wait an eternity to decide whether you've fallen into the center of the black hole, your probability increases that you may not even be in it to begin with! How could that be? Could it be that one day someone will eventually discover a theory that will unify Relativity and Quantum Theory, and rid ourselves of such contradictions in modern science?

Could it be that one day an individual will come along and revolutionize physics as we presently know it and show, as Dr. Albert Einstein had, that there are laws of physics that go beyond our present understanding? Could it be that there are laws of physics that explain such strange phenomenon as gravity, magnetism, wave/particle duality, the grand unifying theory, and even the miracles performed by the hands of mankind just as easily as Newton's laws explained motion in one and two directions? Mankind may one day discover that the laws of physics that Albert Einstein set forth only apply to speeds between those applicable to Newtonian laws and the speed of light, c. As a matter of fact, that day may not be as far off as most scientists and physicists argue.

The following paper is an explanation of a physics theory that combines a previously published theory with that of the author's and that is based on a marriage between science and religion. To some, the topics discussed in the following pages may be offensive. For others, the theory may be a breath of fresh air. Again, some people may have to do a measure of research above and beyond the information presented in this paper in order to fully understand the ideas. It is not the author's intent to please everyone. It is, however, the author's intent to propose a theory that may some day be widely accepted as fact. 

One point that must be explained before continuing is the authors desire to combine science and religion in this theory. This brings up Occam's Razor. The principle has been used by scientists to explain away Deities for the sake of more logical and mathematical explanations. However, to quote Occam's Razor, 

"[This] principle prescribes that entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity. In practice, this means that if a phenomenon can be explained without assuming the existence of an entity, then philosophers and scientists should not assume the entity's existence." (© 2001 Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.)

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind." - Albert Einstein

In the author's opinion, this says nothing about the complete removal of deity, but more that we should try and find the easiest solution to a problem. Rather than say that deity and science do not go hand in hand, the author argues, "Why can't the easiest solution include the existence of a Deity?" After all, according to modern physics, we know that Quantum Mechanics and Relativity do not agree with each other at the subatomic level! I understand that there have been people that have tried, unsuccessfully, to relate science and religion. From the perspective of the author of this paper, it is not easily understood how one can separate science and religion. To the author, they go hand in hand. One cannot successfully experience the full effect of one without an understanding of the other. Science as we know it is an explanation of how religious acts are performed, and religion is that which explains how science exists. It is the belief of the author that science needs religion to fill in the blanks, and that religion needs science to explain how Deity is governed. Blasphemy, you say? Not at all! On the contrary, it gives God more powers to say that he is a being who has mastered control over all the laws, not just those you're given in church on Sundays. Imagine a bieng who understands all those laws of physics, chemistry, bilogy, ecology, geology, and astronomy and in turn, uses them to his advantage. "Phenominal cosmic power..." the genie says in Disney's® Aladin™! 

The scriptural book of Moses cites God as saying, "This is my work and my glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." (Moses 1:29) How better to accomplish such a goal than to be the master of all the laws that govern our existence? How better to view our God as a being who has once seen life from our point of view, been through what we are going through, and yet offers hope to all because he has conquered evil and stands triumphant as victor over death, knowing all things, and knowing how all things work together in one harmonious song of praise to He who is Lord over all things! 

The author of this paper suggests to it's readers that God is the supreme scientist. We have yet to discover so many things about the universe around us, but there is One who knows the things we do not know yet. He is guiding us toward the truth, slowly but steadily. One day, science and religion will not disagree, but will coexist peacefully. To paraphrase a man with a scientific mind from the early 20th century, Joseph Fielding Smith wrote in one of his many books that, "True science and true religion do not disagree, but that the limited knowledge of mankind has yet to find what true science is." (Not an exact quote...) It is in the spirit of this thought that this paper goes forth, to discover true science. 

So, while reading the following pages and the theory contained herein, try to realize just how well this all makes sense. Understand also that very few people believed any of the great physicists immediately. It took a number of years to accept that Copernicus and Galileo were right that the Earth was not the center of the universe. It took a number of years for anyone to even understand the basics behind Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. So, sit back and enjoy!