Can mankind create a machine that can levitate cargo or persons into fourth dimensional space for purposes of travel? Let us examine in detail a proposal set forth by the Shadows paper and then discuss its contents.
"Einstein predicted that E = mc2 based primarily on the observation that the velocity of light remained constant despite the relative motion of an observer. [In a similar fashion] we have derived the mechanism responsible for the forces associated with accelerations in terms of the orientation of the w-axis of the fourth spatial dimension with respect to the axis of three dimensional space. Therefore, it should be possible to generate accelerations in space by directly shifting the orientation of the w-axis of the fourth spatial dimension."
"A magnetic field is a result of a torque or curvature produced on space by the... shifting of the orientation of the w-axis of the fourth spatial dimension. If one could fabricate a 'Magnetic Resonator' (a device that generates two concentric independently rotating spherical magnetic fields) it may be possible to move through dimensional space at speeds approaching the speed of light. [It must also be designed] so that the axes of rotation of the magnetic spheres are independent, so that their orientation can be varied. If one misaligns the orientation of the rotational axis of the two magnetic spheres, a "torque" will be generated on the space internal to the spheres which would result in an acceleration of the contents of the magnetic spheres. If the generators of the magnetic fields were located internal to the spheres, the acceleration could be maintained as these magnetic spheres moved through space. In addition, if the strength of the magnetic fields were great enough, it would be possible to lift the magnetic resonator and its contents out of three-dimensional space into the fourth spatial dimension, where... it could travel faster than the speed of light."
It is difficult to imagine just how such a machine would work exactly. However, let us first examine some other important details such as inertia and other forces that would be felt by the contents of such a craft.
"Traveling in the Magnetic Resonator would be similar to traveling in the cabin of an aircraft. When a Magnetic Resonator is moving in space, only the external parts or "shells" that are traveling in space are exposed to the forces associated with accelerations and motion. However, the objects internal to the magnetic fields would be moving through space and would not experience such forces."
This all sounds wonderful to the author. The ability to create a machine that could transport humans through space at speeds exceeding that of light while not feeling the affects of inertia because that which propels also dampens or absorbs all the inertial forces. Now the problem arises. How would one create such a machine? Is it even possible? Now that the concept has been proposed, we must examine the possibility of such a craft.
The first problem is associated with the energies required to complete such a feat. As stated in the quote, "if the strength of the magnetic fields were great enough, it would be possible to lift the magnetic resonator and its contents out of three-dimensional space into the fourth spatial dimension, where... it could travel faster than the speed of light." In order to create a magnetic field strong enough, one would have to harness a sufficient amount of energy. There are two possibilities that come to mind. The first is the obvious alternative: Nuclear Power! The power held internal to the hydrogen atom is great enough to destroy cities and render them uninhabitable for over 30 years. Mankind has learned to harness this energy and put it to good use. After all, there are numerous nuclear power plants all over the world. However, nuclear power is still considered unsafe. The author's opinion for this is that we have chosen to not invest the financial resources to study in great detail this awesome power. The study of nuclear power has been overtaken by the environmental pursuits of a few organizations and their selfish motives. If mankind would invest money and time to the study of nuclear power, it would be possible to design a fusion reactor so efficient as to not expel or exhaust radioactive waste. Gathering all the energy released from a nuclear reaction might supply enough energy to power a craft like a Magnetic Resonator.
The second, less obvious, alternative comes in the form of antimatter. At present, it requires as much or slightly more energy to create antimatter in a particle accelerator than that antiparticle will release. (In one way to look at it, this means that mankind has already created the energy to produce the antimatter in the first place that is needed to power the craft; the only problem lies in the efficiency of the system.) The particle accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland, known as CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire) creates and annihilates antimatter on a regular basis in an attempt to study the subatomic particles involved and the results of the annihilations. If mankind could devise a way to produce antimatter in mass quantities and in an efficient manner, antimatter would release a sufficient amount of energy to power this Magnetic Resonator.
Now that we have solved the problem of the power source (so to speak), the rest is easy. It would be as simple as coming up with a design of a craft that would be suitable for people, hold enough supplies and oxygen to support those people, be large enough to house the reactor for either antimatter or nuclear power, and contain the independent magnetic field generators that would produce the effective torque on the fourth dimension.
Hence, acceleration without propulsion! Once the solution to the energy problem is solved, mankind can send "astronauts on some kind of star trek", and to view the wonders of astronomy and physics on a first hand basis. And the best part about it is that the magnetic spheres around the craft would absorb the inertial forces and deflect most, if not all, the debris that would stand in the way of us and our stellar neighbors!
"Second star to the left, and straight on 'till morning!"
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