Axiom 1: There exists at least four spatial dimensions.
There exists at least four spatial dimensions. This is not to say that there is our typical (x,y,z)-axes and a measurement of time. As a matter of fact, we could assume that there would be a set of coordinate axes for all of (x,y,z,w). One might then argue, "well, if there are four, why not five?" This is a mute point! Why argue it? For the sake of this direction of research, we say there are four. It could easily be argued that there are five or more, but it would prove the point to say this. The axiom states, "There exists at least four..." For the sake of this paper, we will assume four, and only four. After all, why multiply the entities unnecessarily?
Axiom 2: Time is not relevant.
Now, before you jump down my throat and start telling me I'm full of baloney because you were late for work yesterday, and that you never have any time to spend with your families, let me explain what I mean by this...
Albert Einstein needed to make space and time a connected weave in order to pull off his feat. This is known as space-time. This is the concept which yields the (x, y, z, t) dimensions with time being used as the fourth dimension in the equations. The result is that in order to travel through any given space-time, one must also travel through time. The more important results are embodies in Length Contraction and Time Dilation (part of the Lorentz Transformations). The faster you travel, the less time it takes to travel it. This is intuitively obvious until you examine the paradoxes. Take for instance the "Twin Paradox." A set of twins is born five minutes apart. One grows to be a farmer, the other an astronaut. The farmer stays on the earth while the other leaves in a spaceship and travels near the speed of light for a time. Neither realizes that time is being affected until the astronaut arrives back on the earth and meets the twin farmer. The astronaut aged less than the farmer did during the trip because of the effects of time dilation. It then becomes intuitively obvious that the concept of Time Dilation is somewhat flawed.
For this paper, we will assume that time is a man-made concept by which one measures the time it takes to get from point a to point b. Otherwise, time is irrelevant. It is not connected to space, it is not affected by the movement of an observer or the observed.
Axiom 3: The forces of nature are unifiable.
Physicists have been attempting to unify the forces (Strong Nuclear, Weak Nuclear, Electromagnetic, and Gravity) for decades, to no avail. There have been theories suggested. None of which has stood the test of time or been able to be proven by experimentation. Ultimately, this last attempt, called M Theory cannot be proven experimentally, because the evidence is so infinitesimally small that we have no hope of ever seeing it. It has been asked, "Is this a theory of science, or of philosophy?"
We will assume that the forces are unifiable. Physicists have been pushing forward with this assumption for many years, so this assumption is nothing alien or foreign. There would be two possible results: Either the forces are not unifiable (and we will continue to pursue their unification) or they are unifiable (and we will eventually discover the key to unification). This paper assumes the latter. It is the method of unification that the author questions. The world seems set on finding one equation that will be able to explain all the forces of nature. Perhaps there is not one equation, but many relationships which cannot be explained mathematically, yet are true nonetheless.